Chapters Transcript Video HRiM Editing Tools and Techniques in BioVIEW® This tutorial reviews the magnification, navigation, and editing tools for performing an HRiM study using an inSIGHT™G3 and BioVIEW® Software. inside high resolution and Penis Manama Tree Data analysis. Editing tools. At the conclusion of this tutorial, you should be able to use the different magnification and navigation tools, understand the editing tools and describe the different display options for editing the high resolution and Penis Manama Tree study. In addition, you can download the following documents bio view icons editing, the high resolution impedance Manama tree study worksheet and a tracing to go with that worksheet simply by going to the left and clicking on docks. Let's discuss the application icons. Most of the icons on the screen are very common looks that you'll find on any desktop or laptop computer. The first is how toe open a study. The seconds had to save a study underneath that is undue, which will under the last operation. The next one will redo, which reverses the undue and finally the print icon for printing your reports. These air the study navigation icons. The top one shows how to go to the previous or next page and navigates through a study one page at a time. As an alternative, you can also use your forward and backward arrows on your keyboard. The next is how you go to the previous event and navigates back in the study to a previous symptoms or event marker. The next icon shows how to go to the next event and navigates forward in the study. The next icon is the event type icon and allows you to select the event to be displayed on the wave form. The next shows the marker type and allows for selected events to be displayed in the marker box. Finally, at the bottom, you'll see the icons to go to the next or previous measurements as it navigates forward or back through the study measurement by measurement. In addition, there's another alternative for these icons. Which of the tab and shift tab keys on your computer. The next slide will show demonstration on these study navigation icons. Yeah, the navigational tools are tools that allow you to scroll through the study using different techniques. These tools are grouped together within the tool box. Find your navigational tools as discussed before the study will always open. When first opened. With the full study in view, change the timeframe to about a one or two minute window so as to better view the details of the study. For this example, we're going to use a two minute window within the toolbar. The navigational tools were first going to select the buttons that will allow you to scroll through page by page. If you click on the double arrow button, you'll be able to move forward or backward in the study. Click on the forward double arrow button and that will move you forward. Ah, full screen at a time. If you're using a two minute window that will scroll you through to the second two minutes of the study, view the time below the way form and you'll see that we're now in the second two minutes of the study. If you click backward using the double arrow backward button, you'll scroll backward a full screen at a time, and now you'll see that the timeframe has moved backward. A full page and we're now at the beginning two minutes of the study. The next set of tools allow you to scroll through the study event. By event, this set of tools is typically used for reflux studies and is reviewed in the Zeffert tutorials. The next set of tools will allow you to scroll through measurement by measurement in the study and will take you from active measurement, too active measurement. So first identify the active measurement on the wave form. That measurement is identified by finding the yellow measurement box that is surrounded by a dotted black line that is the active measurement and will be defined above the way form. This measurement is the gastric baseline, and you can find that defined above your way form. If you want to scroll to the next measurement or activate the next measurement, click on the forward measurement button and that will take you or activate the next measurement If you click on that measurement. Now, this takes you to the DSP measurement and you'll see that the black dotted line is now surrounding the L. E S P measurement. If we go forward once again, this will take us to the next measurement and activate that measurement on the screen. And that is the esophageal baseline. You can also tab from measurement to measurement using the tab key on your keyboard. This just tabbed us to the my Swallow measurement, which is the next measurement. We'll click tab again on our keyboard, and now we're at the next measurement. Another way that you can scroll through. The study is using the scroll bar. The scroll bar is located beneath the wave form. If you use the scroll bar, this allows you to scroll through the study. Ah, half a screen at a time. So here notice. Here is the halfway or center point of the viewed screen, and if you identify the gray box within the scroll bar, click to the right of the gray box and that will take you half a screen at a time. And now that point, the center point of the previous screen is now at the beginning of the window. Notice that your timeframe now shows 123 minutes. So we have scrolled through half of our time and notice that our timeframe has now moved a half a screen over. Click to the left of the gray box within the scroll bar, and that will take you through ah, half a screen of the time backward In the study, the next way to move through the study is to scroll through and move your timeline to a specified area later. Arrow within the black dark box in your timeline and scroll over to where you want to look at the study here. In this example, we have scrolled to the last three measurements on our screen and notice. The timeframe indicates that point in time that we're looking at on the wave form. This concludes the navigational tools tutorial. These are the magnification icons. At the top is a magnifying glass or magnifying tool that magnifies both the X and Y axes. After that is the Axis magnifying tool, which is magnifying Onley, one access at a time, the X or the Y. Next is the last view which returns to the screen to the previous view. Toggle view, which toggles between magnification views, view all channels, which brings all of the channels back onto the screen at one time view the entire procedure, which returns a screen to display the entire procedure and finally, the set time range that sets the time displayed on the screen. The first set of tools to be reviewed are the magnification tools. Thes tools are grouped together. In order for you to be able to zoom in on specified areas of the study, you can either zoom in by time or by channel or both. When the study opens, the study will open with a full study in view. This is indicated in the time window. You can see that this study took 93 minutes in order to look at the details of the study. Typically, a one or two minute window is appropriate. Click on the down arrow next to the time window and selected by the one or two minute window. Now you're looking at the first two minutes of the study. Below the wave form is the scroll bar, which will allow you to scroll through the study if you're in any kind of a magnified view. And also the black Bolden area in the timeline shows you where in the study and how much of the study you're looking at on the now it's time to go over the study. Editing icons at the top of the auto scan button. Use this for ger studies to automatically analyze reflux episodes. Next is the edit tool, and that's used during the analysis for editing the Elektronik ruler. It's most commonly used in an Erectile and Billy Eri analysis, the analysis tool that looks like a microscope displays the measurement points in result box. Next is the create event icon, and that's used to annotate the events in the way forms and finally, the create measurement icon. And that's used to add measurements to the way forms continuing with our study editing icons at the top of this screen, you'll see the create excluded area and that's used to create an area on the way for him to be excluded from analysis. Next, you can set the default marks, and this allows the user to set analysis marks, if needed, Auto range lock, which automatically adjust impedance ranges with each screen. Advancement and finally, auto range, which is used to manually adjust impedance ranges. The next slide will be a demonstration of this study. Editing icons Theo editing tools allow annotations to be made on the study as well as editor calculations and create measurements within the way forms. All bio view editing tools are grouped together within the tool box. Although some editing tools are used for different applications, they will still be visible on the screen now for our display icons. First is the icon for Sink View, which displays a moving picture of the impedance and pressure activity over selected area. Next is the way form icon and that displays the study in wave form format. Rapid View displays the impedance tracing in color block format. Contour View, which displays both pressure and impedance and color contour map and finally display options, which allows the user to choose what is displayed on the screen, such as Event Marcus as well as grid markers. Next, we're going to see a demo on the display icons. The display tools enable the study to be viewed in different ways. The display tools are grouped together within. There is, um, additional tools available in the drop down menus on the top row of your toolbar. Under the ranges, you'll find that Ranges provides the ability to turn on specific channel sets when editing different areas of the study. Elliott's profile turns on the eight distal pressure channel surrounding the L. E s to enable easier identification during the EL Es profile, lower body El Es turns on the channels needed to evaluate the Swallow el es relaxation portion of the study. In this section, the display channels are the five channel spanning the L E s the four esophageal channels which are located 5, 10, 15 and 19 centimeters above the high pressure zone of the L E s and the four measuring impedance channels. The upper body US channels turns on the 10 most proximal pressure channels to enable evaluation of the upper body function, which is the striated muscle of the esophagus, the U S and the pharynx, to access different range that's click on the word ranges found at the top of the screen and select the desired range set. In addition to the study view icons, the View menu gives the ability to select different methods to view the screen all within one menu of the options. Click on the word view, and the drop menu will appear under the word analyze. This allows the user to turn on the electric ruler to evaluate wave forms and data points manually, or have the computer analyze either all measurements by analyze all measurements or any measurements selected by the user. Using analyze selected measurements, any user directed editing will be lost and re analyzed by the computer set default Mark allows the user to set the analysis marks if needed. The onset and end marks, vertical lines and the amplitude or relaxation marks. The X will need to be manually edited by the user View Data Table opens the data spreadsheet off all calculated values for each studies section. In the report dropped on menu, the user can create a report. If no previous report has been created, this will be the only option available. A new report can also be created if there's been any changes in the editing of the study since the previous report. View Edit Report is Used If a report has already been created and the View Edit report option will be active, allowing you to observe and edit the patient information on the report, the View Edit report function will not re calculate any edited changes, and then delete report will delete any current report. There are also some additional tools available to be used when editing Ah, high resolution impedance Manama Tree study. Those tools are available through drop menus at the top of your screen. Some of these drop menus are also available within the toolbar, but just give you an additional way to select those tools. So, for instance, in the drop menu under edit. You can also change and delete measurements or creative fence etcetera. And you can also change the set up of how you're editing the study. And you have different tabs that you can tab through and select what you need for your set up. Another tool on the drop menu that specific are your ranges ranges select different channels to be turned on. Congratulations on completing editing tools and techniques. Created by