This tutorial demonstrates the analysis steps of an HRiM Study using Zvu® Software, with an overview of the display and recommended order of operations.
Welcome to the Diversity Healthcare Z View tutorial Siri's HR I am study analysis steps using Z View. The objective of this tutorial is to briefly demonstrate the analysis steps of a high resolution impedance Manama tree. HR I am study using Z View. The topics covered in this tutorial include the display Oven, H R A M Study and the recommended order of Operations for HR. I AM Study review. Detailed review features will be dealt with in separate tutorials. Begin on the Seaview Home page. Select Patient Management on the Patient Management page, Select the Tile for the Desired Patient and the study to be analyzed. Click Review Study. The analysis page opens with the full study in view. The thumbnails at the bottom of the page give a visual gestalt of the swallows with an impedance overlay. The study is displayed with the pressure contour on at full opacity and the impedance contour on at a 50% opacity. The opacity of either could be adjusted if needed. The icon next to either slider is now an on off button contour and way form. Layers can be turned on and off as needed to review the data the order of operations for the first few steps of study review are important for proper analysis and ease of use of the software. Begin with a double left click on the green compensation bubble on the far right in the annotation area. This will zoom into a one minute view in the area of the compensation annotation. The compensation should be marked just after the probe was removed. When it is moist and warm from the patient. Next click on the resting are one measurement thumbnail. Check to see if the resting measurement spans 2 to 5 respiratory cycles in a quiet area away from swallows, coughs or other Asafa Jill activity resize the measurement if needed. Next set, the probe are adjust the margins of the U. S and L E s with a left click and drag on the white margin lines. If the pro bar was set during acquisition, there may be little adjustment needed during analysis on anatomy, annotation will be created, indicating that the probe are was adjusted. At this point in this study, drag the bottom margin of the E G J area down to the distal diaphragm. If there is a second pressure band below the L ES, often seen with a hide a hernia. Next left, click and drag the blue diamond of the L ES area to match up with the high pressure zone, or HPC, of the L. E s. This blue diamond will be sure to set way form lanes appropriately for conventional analysis. Also, if the E G J area was expanded, left, click and drag the blue diamond in the E g J area to the HPC of the diaphragm, Contraction or pinch. Otherwise, this diamond maybe left unadjusted while in the first measurement of the study, either the resting or the first swallow. Check for red dots. If you evaluate and report the U. S. Data, turn on the pressure wave form and check for a red dot at the plus two level at the top of the measurement. If there is no red dot, then no adjustment is needed. If there is a red dot at plus two left, click on the dot and pull down one or two centimeters until it turns blue. Next, turn off the pressure wave form and turn on the impedance wave form. If the way form dots are all blue. No adjustment is needed if the dot at plus 19 is red left, click and drag it down a few centimeters until it turns blue. If changes air made, click save now open metrics wait for the measurement title bars to turn from blue to brown, indicating that the study has been analyzed and the metrics calculated by the software. The Measurement Metrics section shows the data for the active measurement. The study metric section shows the aggregate data for all measurements with each measurement type data set under its own tab. In the resting measurement, the baselines air now visible, the gastric body and Farron Jill baselines are set in the quietest spot the software could find within their respective regions. The baselines could be adjusted if needed. The pip line This stands for pressure. Inversion point is initially placed at the level of the proximal L E s so as not to get confused with the gastric or body baselines and will always need some adjustment with a left, click and drag moved the pip line down low by the gastric baseline, then slowly dragged the pip line up. The two way forms will be in sync when the pip line is below the pressure inversion point, usually the diaphragm. As the line is moved up, the blue wave form will invert. Compared to the reddish purple wave form. Stop the point of maximum inversion. This is PIP, and the probe depth for this mark shows in the measurement and study metrics. Values with a purple box around them indicate the mark has been adjusted from original computer placement. Once the resting measurement has been reviewed, click on the thumbnail for the first liquid swallow in the first liquid swallow. Make sure the measurement boxes sized correctly, starting a few seconds before the swallow initiation and extending to at least one respiratory cycle. After the contraction reaches the L. E s. Click and drag either measurement side margin toe. Adjust if needed. Make sure the probe are setting still applies for this swallow. The view controls could be set for the data layer you wish to review. Remember the view. Slider icons are on off buttons. The check marks next to each slider indicate which analysis marks will be displayed to show the resting baselines as well as the Chicago analysis marks show the pressure contour layer with the check mark on. For conventional pressure analysis, show the pressure wave form layer with the check mark. Optionally the pressure contour layer can be on lightly in the background without the check mark. For impedance analysis, show the impedance way form layer with the check mark. Optionally. The impedance contour layer can be on lightly in the background, with or without the check mark. As there are no impedance Contour analysis marks whether a study is reviewed for Chicago analysis. Conventional pressure line tracing, analysis and or impedance is up to the individual facility. Some review and report all analysis types. Many review on Lee, the Chicago and Impedance Analysis Onley. The data that will be reported for an individual study need be reviewed. For example, few facilities report viscous pressure data because there are no normal values. Therefore, viscous pressure marks and data need not be reviewed. The marks and data are available for those who want to report Um, each swallow measurement is reviewed for accuracy of the desired analysis marks. Note the measurement and study metrics update. If Mark's air moved, abnormal values will show in red. Some metric values can be changed by the reviewer allow me to review and a just a few measurements. To illustrate the process, I will select liquid Swallow number one. I will review the Chicago Marks and Metrics. I will then show the impedance wave forms and adjust those marks if needed. The Measurement Metrics panel can be set to show both Chicago and impedance data without having to scroll within the metric section. If the conventional data is not being reported, I can move on to liquid swallow number two. If the conventional pressure data will be reported, those marks should be displayed and reviewed. The review of the different data sets Chicago Impedance and conventional pressure can be reviewed in any order. Remember Onley The reported data needs their marks reviewed. Click save frequently. If changes air made in the viscous measurements on lee, the impedance may be analyzed per facility choice. In this case, the view can show the impedance weight form with or without impedance contour in the background as you move from measurement to measurement. Once all the measurements have been reviewed and the analysis marks adjusted if needed, the study summary section can be completed. The study summary section in the metrics could be drawn up with a left click and drag on the sections. Upper margin. The pattern classification is based solely on the Chicago analysis. The pattern does not constitute a diagnosis. The reviewer may change the pattern or select blank for no pattern. The notes, impressions and diagnosis fields will expand if longer text is entered. The diagnostic tag can be one or more possible diagnoses separated by commas that will allow the study to be searched for with like studies in the future. By completing these fields in the study, some resection this information will populate to any report that is generated without having to be retyped in a new report, complete Desired Fields. In the study summary section, all of the measurement thumbnails will show on the report to de select a thumbnail right click inside the thumbnail and click on include thumbnails in report. The thumbnail will now be frosted, indicating that it has been diesel ECT ID. The data for that measurement will still be reported to de select all of the thumbnails, right click in any thumbnail and click on exclude all thumbnails. Then, if desired, a few thumbnails maybe added back by right Clicking in the desired thumbnail and clicking on include thumbnail in report. To create a report, click the reports Icon on the Toolbar Select Generate Reports. The study will automatically be saved when the report is generated. The generated reports will be those chosen in the workflow. Reports with custom formatting can be created. Select the report to be reviewed. The first page of the report is considered the summary with the data details on subsequent pages. At this time, it is not recommended to edit directly on a report in Seaview as the edits will not be saved. Direct report editing will be available in a later Z view version. Print the report if desired. This concludes the tutorial hr I am study analysis steps using Z View.